High viscosity supply system
A system for smoothly transporting high viscosity material using "Temperature control system", "Constant flow rate system" etc. together.
Mastic sealer supply device
[temperature control]
Hemming sealer supply device
[constant flow rate / temperature control]
Window sealer constant flow rate supply device
[Constant flow rate / temperature control]
Precure sealer supply device
[Constant flow rate / temperature control]
Damping material constant flow rate supply device
[Constant flow rate / temperature control]
System construction example
Damping material constant flow rate supply device

Two-component adhesive supply system
A system that weighs and mixes two types of materials with high precision and supplies them to guns.
Urethane two-component mixture supply device
[temperature control]
Epoxy two-component mixture supply device
[temperature control]
Silicon two-component mixing supply device
[temperature control]
System construction example
Urethane two-component mixing supply device

Hot melt supply system
A system that transports and supplies after heating and melting a solid or ultra high viscosity material at room temperature.
Hot melt supply device
[temperature control]
Hot-melt butyl supply device
[temperature control]
System construction example
PUR hot melt supply device