Personal Information Protection Manager
Established: April 26, 2010

1. Introduction

IEC Corporation (hereinafter referred to as "the Company") may collect personal information from users of this website when providing various services. In handling personal information, we will appropriately manage and protect it in accordance with the Act on the Protection of Personal Information, other related laws, and the "Privacy Policy" set forth below.

2. Privacy Policy

1. Acquisition and Purpose of Use of Personal Information

When requesting the provision of personal information from website visitors, the Company will inform them in advance of the purpose of use. The personal information collected will be used within the following purposes:

  • Responding to inquiries, requests, and consultations, as well as sending related materials.
  • Providing information on various products and services.
  • Shipping ordered products.
  • Responding to inquiries and applications related to the Company's recruitment activities.

If it becomes necessary to use personal information for purposes other than those specified above, we will obtain the prior consent of the individual, except in cases where exceptions are permitted by the Act on the Protection of Personal Information and other laws.

2. Security Management of Personal Information

The Company will appropriately manage the personal information provided in compliance with laws and regulations related to personal information. Additionally, we will take necessary and appropriate security measures to prevent unauthorized access, loss, alteration, or leakage of personal information. In the event of an incident, corrective actions will be taken promptly.

3. Entrustment of Personal Information

When the Company entrusts the handling of personal information, in whole or in part, to a third party, we will conduct a strict investigation of the third party and ensure that appropriate management is conducted in accordance with relevant laws and standards set by the Company.

4. Provision of Personal Information to Third Parties

The Company will not disclose or provide acquired personal information to any third party except in the following cases:

  • When the individual has given consent.
  • When it is necessary for the protection of human life, body, or property and obtaining consent is difficult.
  • When disclosure or provision is required by law.

5. Disclosure and Correction of Personal Information

If an individual requests disclosure of their personal information, the Company will promptly respond. Additionally, if there is an error in the personal information and a request for correction, addition, or deletion is made, we will promptly respond after investigation. If the identity of the requester cannot be confirmed, we may not be able to accommodate the request.

6. Changes to This Policy

This "Privacy Policy" may be revised without prior notice due to amendments to related laws or changes in the Company's policies.